Have you felt your eyes light up and a smile transforms your face? Can you feel the powerful positive energy that radiates from you to the people around you? That bountiful joy is contagious, and the people surrounded by your light can’t help but feel their hearts lift and their spirits soar. Others feel enlivened, their hearts beat, and they know that plentiful happiness is within their reach because they are witnessing your JOY.
If you are filled with joy, radiate happiness, and have a sense of jubilation in what you do, then your story is what will inspire others to live with more exuberance. We need stories like yours to fill the hearts of others and create more positivity in the world. Everything you have been through happened for a reason, leading you to this opportunity to cultivate life-long satisfaction in the very souls of readers.
Ignite Joy is the newest book in the Ignite series designed to uplift and inspire. Since 2019, we have been making books all about empowerment and now, more than ever, we need to read stories of joy.
Joy moves within us, it is luminous and shines for the entire world to see. When you are surrounded by bliss and delight, that energy is put out into the universe in an astounding, enlivening ripple effect.
We need more positivity in the world, and we need to go beyond surface-level happiness and explore what truly Ignites Joy in us. By sharing the authentic story of how you discovered a soul-deep love for life, you bring a powerful depth and understanding to the joy every human being is capable of feeling.
Write your story in Ignite Joy and join the many authors in the Ignite family who are bringing empowerment and love to the world. Many moments bring us joy, from waking up to sunshine and warmth after days of cloudy weather, to being surprised with flowers or a home cooked meal when you return home from work. But what about all the normal, everyday moments in between? How can we let joy touch even the most mundane parts of our lives? Those who have dug deep to uncover the true roots of joy have found a way to experience meaningful, lasting satisfaction in between all these bright and wonderful moments.
Maybe you’ve developed a mindset of gratitude, allowing you to spark joy whenever you need it. Perhaps your story has made you see a new perspective on happiness that others may not. You could even be someone who puts care into creating times of delight so that joy always surrounds you.
However you have come to Ignite Joy in your life, there is no better way to touch the hearts of others and uplift them with your positive energy than to share your story and the gifts you've gained from it so others can discover their own bliss!
Share your joy, write your joy. Bring joy to everyone.
*For every dollar purchased, we are donating a portion of our profits to support building the Ignite Possibilities School of Hope in Indonesia. After natural disasters damaged large parts of Indonesia, we have partnered with Classroom of Hope in the initiatives to rebuild schools for those in need.
A chapter in the book of your choosing
25 physical copies of the book**
100 Bricks added to the School of Hope
PLUS 3 Fabulous Bonuses:
The Affirmations of a Billionaire
12 monthly issues of Spark Success
JB's video reading of her upcoming book,
The Science of Becoming Rich for Women